lundi 19 octobre 2009

October 19, 2009

We are all doing fine. The girls are enjoying school, although they don't like having to wear uniforms. I LOVE uniforms; no more deciding what to wear each morning and much less laundry. I do, however, have to iron.

Mom arrived Saturday morning. She is staying in a studio apartment in our neighborhood that is really beautiful. She'll be here for three weeks; we're planning to do a lot of stuff in Paris and then will head to Amsterdam and (maybe) Brugges (sp?) for a long weekend.

The agent that welcomed us to Mom's apartment was incredibly nice. He was very glad to know that the kids and I are here for a whole year. He told me that he sees people who just come for a week try to do it all and get exhausted and frustrated in the process.

"It simply can't be done," he said. "There's so much to see and do in Paris. Paris is, is - a banquet."

"A moveable feast," I offered, congratulating myself on my literary prowess.

He looked at me blankly. "No," he corrected me. "A banquet."

All righty then.

The girls, Mom and I went to the Orangerie yesterday. This is the museum where Monet's Water Lilies are housed, as well as a lot of Renoirs, Cezannes, Modiglianis, etc.

Claire was incredibly unimpressed with Monet. "I expected much more," she told us. "These are just not extravagant enough." She brought me over to one of them. "I like the tree," she said. "He should've painted more of them." Two months in France and she's an art critic!

Those of you that know me well know that I hate museums. I'd much rather take the girls to the dentist, where I can sit and read magazines while I wait for them. At a museum, I actually have to walk around with them. We were on the lower floor of the Orangerie and there were some abstract paintings of women. I said to Erin, "those women are really oddly shaped."
"Mom," she said patiently. "You're not supposed to look at the figures themselves, you're supposed to think about the personalities. You're supposed to feel the movement."
At 8 years old, she appreciates and understands art more than I ever will. I did what any self-respecting mother would do at that point. I left her with her grandmother and headed for the gift shop. Megan was right behind me.

Claire was a huge fan of the Modiglianis. When I hear Modigliani, I think of the life cycle consumption hypothesis. Who knew the guy was doing lithos in his spare time? Talk about a Renaissance man!

The weather is spectacular right now. Very crisp autumn days and lots of sunshine. I know it won't last, but we're enjoying it while we can.

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