dimanche 18 juillet 2010

July 18, 2010

La Rentree
We are packing up this week, but managed to see the Bastille Day fireworks at the Eiffel Tower (see picture above, taken by Megan). Truly spectacular, each series matched perfectly to music and a huge, but congenial crowd.

The weather is absolutely perfect; high 70's, sunshine, no humidity. The girls are spending time with their friends and looking forward to coming back.

Things I Will Miss About Paris
1. Walking everywhere
2. Hearing men ask their wives/girlfriends "do these jeans make me look fat?"
3. Bakeries
4. Watching women explain patiently to their husbands that, while they do already own 6 black purses, this particular one has stitching that matches the new pair of shoes they just bought and therefore must be purchased.
5. The gym; the old men in pajamas, the old women in phenomenal shape, the young men so enamored of their reflections in the mirror that they forget to work out.
6. The man in the corner store, the pharmacist, and our neighbors, all of whom have been incredibly kind to us.
7. The elderly woman who dresses in stilettos, skin tight jeans, and a shirt that says "Swinger."
8. The Sunday market, where the poultry guys sing chicken songs, and women complain loudly if the radishes they buy have any white spots on them.
9. Speaking French.
10. Cafes. Sitting at cafes. Drinking at cafes. People watching at cafes.

Things I Will Not Miss about Paris:
1. Appliances designed for Thumbelina.
2. Real-time American sports.
3. Buying groceries every day.
4. Grocery stores that stock pig's feet removers, but don't have bandaids (I'm not kidding). What if you cut yourself removing the pig's feet? It's a very tricky piece of equipment.
5. Scowling. The incidence of scowling is roughly five times what it is in the US. And these people live in Paris! What's to scowl about? It's not as if they live in Wichita!
6. Smokers.
7. The cost of living.
8. Crowded metros.
9. Man purses.
10. Apartment living.

Favorite recent conversations:

Megan: "Mom, can I hang out at the Eiffel Tower with my friends today?"


Me, to rental car agent: "Do you need to see my driver's license?"
Rental car agent (giving me a very odd look): "No, Madame."
Me: "Are you sure?"
Agent (exasperated): "Of course I'm sure!"

Turns out, I had offered to show him my license to cook. So much for being fluent.


Erin: "Mom, my friend Abit (Indonesian) only gets one hour a day to do her homework and play. Then, she has to help her mom with all of the chores. But, she's really happy!"

Claire: "Mom, on your next sabbatical, promise me we'll go somewhere where they speak English."


Rob: "I need to go back to the rental car agency."
Me: "But you already returned the rental car."
Rob: "Yeah, but I thought I might rent another one, just for the day. To drive around Paris. Or just to park out in front of the building."

Apparently the agent was quite stunning. The only upside of the fender bender we experienced in Croatia was her pout when he told her about it. He was sorely tempted to crash again, just to see her pout. I was sorely tempted to run him over.

See you back soon!

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